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Rocket Yoga

Rocket Yoga is a style of yoga developed by Larry Schultz in San Francisco during the 1980s. It is a dynamic and fast-paced flow of yoga composed of poses from the Ashtanga Yoga series. Schultz's yoga was first called "Rocket Yoga" by Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead, because Weir said, "It gets you there faster."
Rocket 1 is a series that rearranges the "Primary Series" asana into a flow of postures that keeps the transitions all on one side before shifting to the left side. It is a jolt to the bodies vital energies and it creates a spike in the nervous system.
Rocket 2 is more intermediate/advanced series that follow a modified "2nd Series" with Advanced A & B Postures added in as transitions between the baseline of postures that any Ashtangi would recognize as a half 2nd series.
Students are encouraged to make their own interpretation of the traditional asanas and can modify postures. This makes the sequence accessible to all practitioners, even those who may have structural disabilities who would otherwise not be able to practice traditional Ashtanga Yoga methods.
Rocket Yoga is a perfect balance of tempo and sequence. These routines are appropriate for all levels of students.
Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga that originates in India. The word Ashtanga means “eight limbs” in Sanskrit. It refers to the eight steps or principles of Yoga outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras about 2,000 years ago.
This yoga method is based on a set sequence of poses referred to as a series that is repeated each time you practice. Your movements are coordinated with your breath as a way to steady and calm the mind.
“The Primary Series” or “Yoga Chikitsa” sequence builds strength and flexibility in the body, loosening tight muscles and realigning and detoxifying the body and nervous system. The series begins with forward bends, then twists and hip openers with a vinyasa between each asana.
"The Intermediate Series" or "Nadi Shodhana” sequence has its own health benefits and challenges but the specific combination of the poses works strongly on the nervous system, so it can have a very different effect on the body than the Primary series or other dynamic yoga classes. The backbends encourage and maintain the suppleness of the spine and as well as working on opening the energy channels allowing Prana to flow freely.
Source of Movement

This Non-Vinyasa class is based on my experience in different disciplines and studies of movements.
Through combinations of simple movements and static poses, we invite the breath to help the body to align itself to its own natural form.
Normally, I teach this class as a compliment to Power Vinyasa Yoga (such as Rocket or Ashtanga). Also, as a more therapeutic option in private classes.
The idea is to work not only with physical strength and flexibility, but at deeper and more subtle level.
Strength Drills

Strength Drills consist of exercises focused on arms, chest, back & side body, and abdomen. It is designed to create more strength to contribute towards our daily yoga practices.